Lodge Committees

The Committees of True Briton's Lodge No. 14 for the Masonic year 2024-2025 are as follows:

General Purposes W. Bro. Jim Graff (Senior Warden)
Committee consists of all current Officers & Past Masters
All Brethren in good standing are welcome to attend
Benevolence W. Bro. Grant Machan
Life Membership W. Bro. Grant Machan
Membership and Mentoring W. Bro. William Kirkham
Visitation W. Bro. Jim Graff and Bro. Charlie Patton
Cornerstone R.W. Bro. Dave Rogers and W. Bro. David Hartwell
Masonic Education W. Bro. John Ruffo
Lodge Bursary W. Bro. Colin Cooper
Fellowship & Banquets V.W. Bro. Brian Cavanagh (Junior Warden)