Photo of the Lodge

Photos of Various Lodge Events


December - Initiation of Bro. Adam Murphy

September - Celebrating our 200th Anniversary with our GM

September - A Banner on Foster Street Celebrating our 200th Anniversary

September - Presentation to the Perth Historical Society by V.W. Bro Stewart Howard


October - Initiation of Bro. Nyjill Wilson

June - Installation of New Worshipful Master - W. Bro. James Graff


April - Rusty Mason's Night


June - Installation of New Worshipful Master - W. Bro. Kenneth R. Turriff

March - Raising of Bro. Richard Brown to Sublime Degree of Master Mason


November - DDGM Visit to True Briton's Lodge

September - V.W. Bro. Jason Munro installed as Grand Steward


October - Initiation of Bro. Nick Ohinski and Bro. Doug Smith